Brilliant colours in Tony and Clare Gaster's garden.
These three images above are of Annie Cresswell's delightful garden. Great to see a shot of her vegetable and fruit section- our first! I might put up a picture of my burgeoning vegetable garden soon!
Here is Janet and Peter Pooley's Alresford town garden. Charming photographs, thank you.
I don't know many gardens which have a yacht in it but Jane Parsonon's does....and some gorgeous camassias. Thanks for that Jane.
As Spring continues, our gardens change so Judith has sent me some more pictures of her and George's tranquil garden, complete with visiting ducks! Please see below. Do keep sending your photographs please, this idea of Tony's can run and run as the season progresses and different plants, trees and shrubs come to life and give us such pleasure, it would be great to share that with the rest of the Club members.
Here are some shots from my garden in the last week. We had a family of ducks visiting too: Mother Duck and 12 ducklings. Here they are enjoying the pond! The crab apple blossom has been extraordinary this year and the lilac too so here are some pictures of those trees.
Jude Mezger sent me these glorious pictures of her and Theo's garden, see below. You can see a Mallus Transitoria, Wisteria and Clematis Avalanche and finally....a mystery plant which flowered about 2 weeks ago (so mid April). Can any of our members identify it please?
Although not technically a Spring garden, I had to post this photograph of Cathy Swann's mini. Normally a super smart little motor, it has been requisitioned to serve as a mini (sorry!) greenhouse/cold frame. What a brilliant idea.
There are wisterias and then there are wisterias! This one is on Jill Parker's house in Alresford and what a stunning show it is.
Tony and Claire Gaster's garden is a riot of lush growth and vibrant colours. Here are a few more shots from their garden to enjoy.
As we move from late Spring into early Summer, here is Moira Jackson's stunning rose Compassion. What a fitting name for our present circumstances and what a beautiful rose.
Here's a Monday morning brain teaser for you! Liz Stevenson sent me these two photographs of flourishing seedlings. The problem is she is not sure what they are! Can anyone identify them please? You can send answers to me and I will forward them to Liz. Thanks in anticipation.